Sutton, Billy Morris

Billy Morris Sutton
b: 2 FEB 1937
d: 13 SEP 2014
Billy M. Sutton built Joe and Connie's brick house in Bucklesberry on the corner of Dawson Mill and Frank Barwick Rds in Feb 2011. Billy was the developer of Sutton Acres in La Grange.
  • 2 FEB 1937 - Birth -
  • 13 SEP 2014 - Death -
Leslie Sutton
6 SEP 1892 - 7 APR 1965
Leslie Russell Sutton
8 JUL 1915 - 6 JUL 1981
Rachel Lucretia Sutton
13 JUL 1886 - 17 MAR 1967
Billy Morris Sutton
2 FEB 1937 - 13 SEP 2014
Jeannette Smith
8 OCT 1918 - 24 NOV 1996
Family Group Sheet - Child
PARENT (M) Leslie Russell Sutton
Birth8 JUL 1915
Death6 JUL 1981
Marriageto Jeannette Smith
FatherLeslie Sutton
MotherRachel Lucretia Sutton
PARENT (F) Jeannette Smith
Birth8 OCT 1918
Death24 NOV 1996
Marriageto Leslie Sutton
Marriageto Leslie Russell Sutton
FBilly Morris Sutton
Birth2 FEB 1937
Death13 SEP 2014
MLeslie Harold Sutton
Birth9 DEC 1938
Death18 AUG 1998
Marriageto Martha Faye Walker
MPhillip Mark Sutton
Birth11 SEP 1942
Death10 FEB 2015
Descendancy Chart
Billy Morris Sutton b: 2 FEB 1937 d: 13 SEP 2014